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Buy to let tax calculator

Complete the fields of our buy to let tax calculator to see an illustration of how much tax may be due on your rental income only (not your overall tax position).

To be clear on your tax position, you should always consult a qualified tax professional.


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Buy to let tax calculator


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Property income and expenses

Gross rental income
Field contains invalid characters.
Field contains invalid characters.
Property management fees
Field contains invalid characters.
Field contains invalid characters.
Property insurance
Field contains invalid characters.
Field contains invalid characters.
Property repairs
Field contains invalid characters.
Field contains invalid characters.
Other allowable expenses
Field contains invalid characters.
Field contains invalid characters.
Allowable expenses total
Field contains invalid characters.
Field contains invalid characters.
Financial cost calculator
Buy to let mortgage amount
Field contains invalid characters.
Mortgage interest rate
Field contains invalid characters.
Annual mortgage interest
Field contains invalid characters.

Other income

Gross employment income
Field contains invalid characters.
Field contains invalid characters.
Gross trading income
Field contains invalid characters.
Field contains invalid characters.
Total income (exc. property)

Estimated income tax liability on property income

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Income tax calculations

Property income
Employment / trading income
Total income
Personal allowance
Taxable income
Income tax
Basic rate
x 20%
Higher rate
x 40%
Additional rate
x 45%
Residential landlord tax relief
Income tax liability

Annual property income calculations

Gross rental income
Property allowance
Allowable expenses
Property income

Property income tax calculations

Property Income
Income Tax
Basic rate
x 20%
Higher rate
x 40%
Additional rate
x 45%
Residential landlord tax relief
Income tax liability

Working out the tax on your buy to let income

The buy to let tax calculator will give you an indication of the amount of tax you may need to pay on your rental income. Make sure you get an accurate picture of your tax position from a qualified tax professional.

You will need tax figures in order to work out potential profits from your buy to let.

You can check to see alternative buy to let mortgage options, which may mean lower monthly payments, so could help to reduce tax due on a buy to let property.

Since the way buy to let tax changed, many landlords have investigated whether investing in property through a limited company would be more profitable for them. Visit our page on buy to let mortgages for limited companies for more information on these products.

Some landlords have diversified their investments into property types that offer potentially higher yields.

Houses of Multiple Occupation typically offer high yields because there are multiple rents from one property. We can help you with this investment route, whether you want to start small, or need an HMO mortgage for a larger property.

Holiday lets can also offer higher yields than long-term lets, because the rental income tends to be higher, although it can fluctuate throughout the year. Holiday let mortgages are available for traditional and AirBnB style shorter lets.

Changes to buy to let mortgage taxation

In 2015 Summer Budget, George Osborne made a huge change to buy to let mortgage interest tax relief, which reduced the allowance to a flat 20%. The change was phased in from the tax year 2017-18.

Previously buy to let mortgages had enjoyed a higher level of tax relief than a standard residential mortgage.

Landlord tax after buy to let interest relief withdrawal

Starting in the 2017–18 tax year, HMRC incrementally restricted tax relief for buy to let mortgage interest as follows:

75% in 2017–18
50% in 2018–19
25% in 2019–20
0% in 2020–21 onwards

In its place, individuals have since been able to claim a tax reduction, which is calculated as 20% of the lower of:

  • Finance costs not offset against income in the tax year
  • Total taxable profits of the property business in the tax year*
  • Total income (excluding that from dividends and savings) that exceeds the personal allowance and blind person's allowance (if applicable) in the tax year*


* If this is the figure used, any excess mortgage interest may be carried forward to the following year

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