case study
Property investment case studies
Our client case studies offer concise, real-world examples of financial solutions we have arranged. Each one outlines the tailored approach we take. We work with both landlords and investors using borrowing solutions to buy and remortgage property.
Our case studies give practical insights and success stories. They detail how we've helped clients navigate financial challenges and achieve their investment goals.
There is a clear overview of the scenario each client presented to us, the customised solution we implemented, and the resulting outcomes for the client.
From restructuring mortgages to securing favourable financing terms, these case studies offer actionable strategies and proven approaches that landlords and property can apply to their own investment strategies, with our help.
By showcasing these real-life examples, we aim to provide fellow property investors with practical guidance and inspiration to tackle their own financial hurdles and optimise their investment portfolios. Whether you're seeking to buy, refinance, maximise returns, optimise your portfolio, raise capital, manage debt, or change the terms of your borrowing.
Commercial Trust is a specialist mortgage broker. We offer tailored to mortgage advice to landlords and property investors. To discuss your borrowing needs, call our advisors for free on the number above, or request a call back.
To stay informed, sign up to our weekly email newsletter below.
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Case study: 100% buy to let mortgage or 100% commercial mortgage borrowing possible!
Categories: Case study buy to let mortgages commercial mortgages
Investing in property and don’t have a deposit? You COULD get 100% borrowing on a buy to let or commercial mortgage with this lender solution. Read more here!…

Case study: Commercial to residential conversion
Categories: Case study bridging loans commercial mortgages
We helped this client fund buying an office so they could convert it into a single residential property. If you are considering a commercial to residential conversion, find out what is involved.…