limited company
Expert guides and news on limited company buy to let investment
The "limited company buy to let mortgages" category on our website is designed to provide landlords and property investors with essential information and updates on financing rental properties through a limited company or Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) structure.
Investing via a limited company is typically considered by landlords for its tax benefits. The articles we share here are for information purposes only and should not be taken as tax advice. To understand your tax position, seek the advice of a tax professional.
We feature a comprehensive collection of articles that explore the benefits, requirements, and intricacies of limited company buy to let mortgages, helping you make informed decisions about your property investments and /or prepare you for a conversation with a tax professional.
Our content covers the basics of limited company buy to let mortgages, explaining how they differ from individual buy to let mortgages and outlining the specific advantages of using a limited company for property investments.
We delve into the tax benefits, such as potential savings on mortgage interest relief and corporation tax rates, as well as the implications for personal liability and inheritance planning.
Additionally, our articles provide practical advice on setting up and managing a limited company, including the legal and administrative steps involved.
We offer insights into lender criteria, interest rates, and loan terms specific to limited company mortgages, helping you navigate the application process and secure the best financing options.
By staying informed via the articles you will find here, we hope that you can optimise your investment strategies, investigate tax efficiencies, and enhance your property portfolio.
Our goal is to equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to leverage the advantages of limited company structures, ensuring your buy to let investments are both profitable and compliant with current regulations.
For ongoing insights on the private rental sector and news affecting landlords, sign up to our free newsletter via the form at the foot of this page.
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